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ICIN Associate Membership

The Indigenous Carbon Industry Network (ICIN) is the national peak body supporting First Nations engagement in the carbon industry. The company is owned by its Full Members including 26 Indigenous organisations that produce carbon credits through their land management activities and caring for country. Our Associate members are indigenous organisations who do not own projects, but have an interest in carbon farming and the development of the Indigenous carbon industry. 


Associate Members of ICIN are entitled to: 

  • Regular exclusive member-only updates 
  • Regular member-only meetings 
  • Opportunities to input into ICIN policy positions 
  • Regular detailed policy updates 
  • Discounted attendance at the annual NA Savanna Fire Forum 
  • Access to speaking opportunities 


Please carefully consider the ICIN Ltd Constitution before applying to become an Associate Member. 

In accordance with the Constitution, an organisation is eligible to become an associate member if:

  • they are an Indigenous Land Council,
  • they are an Indigenous organisation interested in or aspiring to engage in the Indigenous carbon industry,
  • they are an Indigenous carbon trader or broker,
  • they are an Indigenous organisation supporting the Indigenous carbon industry,
  • the board determines in their absolute discretion that the organisation should be an associate member.

An organisation may apply to become a member of the company by submitting the online form which states that they:

  • want to become a full member or associate member,
  • support the purpose(s) of the company,
  • agree to comply with the company’s Code of Conduct,
  • agree to comply with the company’s constitution,
  • will identify any conflicts of interest the organisation may have with other members, the company or the directors (and identify those conflicts),
  • will pay the membership fee,
  • will pay the guarantee under clause 4 if required, and
  • will ensure their representatives and proxies comply at all times with clauses 12.1(b), (c) and (d)

You will need to have on hand the following:

  • Proof of your organisations incorporation or other type of document and/or
  • Proof of your organisation’s governance structure to show that it is Indigenous owned
  • A description of your organisation
  • The names of the carbon project/s your organisation produces carbon credits for and their ID numbers.
  • A description of your project/s and any images and resources you want us to share on your project profile.
  • Your organisation’s logo
  • Credit card details for payment


Membership contributions secure the future of ICIN as the national peak body supporting First Nations engagement in the carbon industry.

When applying for membership, please consider the size, turnover and capacity of your organisation and then nominate your membership fee category.

Additional donations are encouraged and fully tax deductible. Your donation will assist ICIN to become more sustainable and to deliver even more for its members They are also an important way of demonstrating members reinvesting in their industry peak body for the betterment of Indigenous people throughout the network. 


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