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January, Program highlights, don't miss out - 2024 Savanna Fire Forum

The program for next month's North Australia Savanna Fire Forum is red hot!  

Our Indigenous-led program showcases leadership in caring for Country and Right Way Fire, facilitating knowledge sharing and improved understanding and practice within the Indigenous carbon industry. Sessions include 'Using Fire to Support Biodiversity' and 'Integrity and Sustainable Cultural Futures' and will be run in the main hall with the full audience, and in 24 concurrent workshops across the event.

We are delighted to announce the Northern Territory Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security, the Hon. Kate Worden MLA, will be providing a Ministerial Address to the Forum on Day Two at 8:45am. Don't miss this opportunity to hear latest updates from the Minister regarding fire and carbon.

We've handpicked special program highlights below, grab your ticket today! 

Experts from the following Indigenous organisations will be presenting at the Forum:

We thank our valued sponsors for their contributions

Gold sponsors:  

Silver sponsors: 

Bronze sponsors: 

Limited sponsorship opportunities are still available for organisations that support our values and purpose. View our prospectus and get in touch with the ICIN events team if you would like to partner with us on Australia's leading savanna fire event.

We'll be seeing you all at the Forum next month!
Kind regards,
The ICIN team