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ICIN Full Membership

ICIN Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation and therefore your contributions are important to ensuring its future. Membership entitles your organisation to receive internal notices, be a part of decision-making processes for ICIN, join internal working groups and the opportunity to engage in key meetings, workshops and events. 

You will be supplied the ICIN Full Member Logo to share on your website.

Please carefully consider the ICIN Ltd Constitution before completing the online form.

In accordance with the Constitution, an organisation is eligible to become a full member if they are:

  1. an Indigenous producer, or
  2. an Indigenous proponent, subject to 11.4(aa).

Full members are entitled to: 

  1. Receive notices and attend meetings of members,
  2. Vote on resolutions, and
  3. Put forward members, officers, executives or other employees of the full member to be appointed as director/s.

Please consider the size, turnover and capacity of your organisation and nominate your membership fee category. Additional contributions are welcome.

An organisation may apply to become a member of the company by filling in this form to agree that you:

  • want to become a full member or associate member,
  • support the purpose(s) of the company,
  • agree to comply with the company’s Code of Conduct,
  • agree to comply with the company’s constitution,
  • will identify any conflicts of interest the organisation may have with other members, the company or the directors (and identify those conflicts),
  • will pay the membership fee,
  • will pay the guarantee under clause 4 if required, and
  • will ensure their representatives and proxies comply at all times with clauses 12.1(b), (c) and (d)

In addition to the requirements under clause 12.1, an organisation wishing to become a full member of the company must provide:

  • written evidence of their status as an Indigenous producer or Indigenous proponent, and
  • such other information or documentation reasonably requested by the company.

You will need to have on hand the following:

  • Proof of your organisations incorporation or other type of document and/or
  • Proof of your organisation’s governance structure to show that it is Indigenous owned
  • A description of your organisation
  • The names of the carbon project/s your organisation produces carbon credits for and their ID numbers.
  • A description of your project/s and any images and resources you want us to share on your project profile.
  • Your organisation’s logo
  • Credit card details for payment


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  • 2
  • 3

Select Full Membership level

Please consider the size, turnover and capacity of your organisation and nominate your membership fee category.


Organisation information

Primary contact information

Contributions are tax deductible.
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