Useful Links
Climate change
NAILSMA has developed tools to help Indigenous communities to understand climate change and the savanna carbon farming industry, including videos, publications and posters.
Australia's Carbon Industry
ILSC have published the discussion paper Indigenous participation in the carbon industry.
Carbon Market Institute (CMI) is the peak industry body, providing information a guidance for participating in the carbon industry.
Clean Energy Regulator (CER) provides information about the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) and Native Title, Legal Right and Eligible Interest-Holder Consent Guidance.
Code of Conduct for the carbon industry in Australia. Overseen by the CMI, this is a voluntary code which seeks to encourage best practice in the carbon industry, including a complaints process.
QLD Government Land Restoration Fund (LRF) provides support for Queenslanders.
WA Government also provides information about the carbon industry.
Carbon methods
Kimberley Land Council has developed a step-by-step guide and videos to help Indigenous communities understand the carbon market and the savanna carbon farming methods.
ALFA NT showcases projects on their website.
The QLD Government showcases a successful Blue Carbon Tidal Restoration project.
The Clean Energy Regulator's video about savanna fire management, the method and benefits.
Core Benefits Verification Framework developed by the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation is the only accredited third-party verification framework specifically developed for measuring the social and cultural co-benefits of Indigenous carbon businesses in Australia.
Training course
Aboriginal Carbon Foundation provides a 5-day training course in Aboriginal Carbon Farming and Core Benefits Management targeted at Indigenous ranger groups. There are also several recognised core units available in Savanna Carbon Farming Operations which can be delivered by any accredited training organisation.