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Latest Industry Snapshot

  • 34 Indigenous-owned and operated savanna fire management (SFM) projects
  • Although only 34 out of 82 active SFM projects are Indigenous, Indigenous projects account for 70% of the area registered under the SFM methods, and 74% of carbon credits produced by the savanna fire emissions avoidance method are generated by Indigenous carbon businesses*
  • Enabling improved Indigenous fire management to almost 24 million ha of north Australian savanna
  • Abating around 1.2 million tonnes a year, or 9.8 million tonnes of emissions since 2012**
  • 5 Indigenous-owned vegetation (HIR) projects
  • Indigenous organisations report an increase in their capacity to care for country, culture and communities as a result of their engagement in the carbon industry
  • Provides hundreds of jobs on country for Indigenous land managers
  • Generating social, cultural and environmental benefits of global significance 
  • Indigenous carbon credits attract a significant premium above the normal market price in recognition of these benefits
  • Today the Indigenous carbon industry is estimated to be valued at around $59 million per annum***

This information is an estimate only based on published market information and should not be interpreted as financial advice

* Source: Clean Energy Regulator Project Register, November 1 2024 

** Source: Clean Energy Regulator Project Register, April 24 2024

*** Based on current estimated market prices (Source: Market Advisory Group)