The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA) is an Indigenous led not-for-profit company operating across north Australia. We have almost two decades of experience in delivering complex and challenging programs across north Australia. We provide Indigenous leadership in the delivery of large-scale and complex programs that meet the environmental, social, cultural, and economic needs of Indigenous people across northern Australia.
Hosted by NAILSMA, the Garawa Land Trust was the subject of a Savanna Fire Management Phase 1 Project Funding Agreement to develop a business plan, feasibility reports and governance / management options for a potential carbon project. NAILSMA worked with Northern Land Council to develop a business case for a savanna burning project including significant community consultation.
The NAILSMA project is:
Garawa Carbon Project
Contact: [email protected]
In 2019, the project qualified for Phase 2 funding. Under this arrangement and following consultation and approval of a Section 19 agreement, NAILSMA registered the Garawa Carbon Project under the Emissions Reduction Fund and engaged the NLC and Garawa Rangers to deliver fire management. Phase 2 is intended to run until the end of calendar year 2022.
By the end of the funding period, the project seeks to transition to a locally-based, regionally-supported, Garawa controlled and/or partnered entity. Some funds are provided in this contract to support the development of this entity.