Kullilli country is located in the Channel Country bioregion of South West Queensland. It is spectacular red earth country, characterized by vast floodplains, channels fringed by gidyea and eucalypt woodlands, sand dunes, gravel plains, and mulga shrublands. It is harsh country, but it is our home.
On 2 July 2014, the Federal Court of Australia made a consent determination recognising the native title rights and interests of the Kullilli People over roughly 29,600 square kilometres of land, including the township of Thargomindah and areas of the Bulloo, Paroo, and Quilpie Shires.
To ensure our native title rights and interests are maintained and can be freely enjoyed, the Kullilli People established the Kullilli Bulloo River Native Title Aboriginal Corporation. As such, we act on behalf of the Kullilli People in all of our native title matters.