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Video showcases Indigenous savanna fire management

Dean Yibarbuk, a Director of ICIN, presented at Te Aratini: Festival of Indigenous & Tribal Ideas - Dubai Expo
As part of the launch of ICIN Ltd last week, ICIN Co-Chairs Ms Cissy Gore-Birch and Mr Dean Yibarbuk (pictured) along with Dr Otto Campion of the Arafura Swamp Rangers were pleased to present a short film to the 1st National Indigenous Carbon Forum on February 16 2022.

The film showcases to a global audience how Indigenous fire management is reducing emissions from hot fires, managing country to help wildlife. Critically, it recognises the critical importance of Indigenous knowledge and practice and providing an economic opportunity for Indigenous communities across north Australia.

The film (9 mins) is now available to watch via our YouTube Channel.

The film was initially presented by Mr Yibarbuk on behalf of ICIN as part of Australia’s contribution to the Dubai Expo 2020, Te Aratini: Festival of Indigenous & Tribal Ideas held from November 17 - 19 2021 to showcase Indigenous knowledges and aspirations to a global audience. 

Sponsored by the Government of Aotearoa (New Zealand), the showcase featured Indigenous speakers and participants from nine different countries.

The short film features Mr Yibarbuk and Dr Campion; as well as Mr Cameron Yates from Charles Darwin University and Mr Barry Hunter from the Djabugay Rangers talking about the importance of supporting Indigenous savanna fire management.

ICIN was pleased to assist in providing coordination and storyboarding support as well as supporting Mr Yibarbuk to present at the Dubai Expo at the invitation of the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

The short film was produced by Coriolis Films, and funded by the International Savanna Fire Management Initiative (ISFMI).

Thank you to filmmaker Della Golding for her support and special thanks to Dr Campion, who rescued the drone camera when it dived into a nearby billabong!

This project was a partnership of ICIN/ISFMI.

See the ISFMI website at for more information.

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